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Market4Demand, Inc. is a technology marketing consulting services firm.
Market4Demand, Inc. is a technology marketing consulting services firm specializing in marketing planning and implementation, interim marketing management, marketing communications, product strategy, and product marketing. The company offers expertise in both enterprise and consumer technology solutions. In 2001, the company launched the Market4Demand Marketing Educational Series for Entrepreneurs (MESE)?.

The Market4Demand Marketing Educational Series for Entrepreneurs (MESE) continues to benefit the Silicon Valley business community by educating companies on proven, results-oriented practices in the marketing of technology products and services. The MESE is a multi-session educational series that teaches entrepreneurs and other executives of technology companies how to emulate best practices in marketing to increase shareholder and customer value. The series is one of the most hands-on and rigorous marketing training series in Silicon Valley, with more than a dozen seasoned marketing veterans among its panel of speakers, all of whom advocate the importance of measuring marketing and ?process-based? marketing. A program that provides the benefits of both expert knowledge and real-world experience to entrepreneurs and executives of technology companies, the Market4Demand MESE is open to all executive management within an organization.
2458 Embarcadero Road
  Palo Alto CA 94303

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