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All San Marcos organizations
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California State University San Marcos (Cal State San Marcos)
Mission Hills High School Baseball
Oaks Creek Christian Baseball Fields
Palomar College
San Diego Web Technologies Group
Twin Oaks Golf Course
Windows Networking Solutions User Group
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Samuel M. Ciccati Theatre, Cuyamaca College
San Diego .NET Developers Group
San Diego 2600
San Diego American Marketing Association
San Diego BSD Users Group
San Diego Chargers
San Diego CHI (Computer-Human Interaction)
San Diego City College
San Diego Civic Youth Ballet
San Diego ColdFusion User Group
San Diego Community College - Mid City Campus
San Diego Community College District (SDCCD), Continuing Education
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego County Archaeological Society
San Diego County Fair
San Diego District Tennis Association
San Diego Historical Society
San Diego History Center
San Diego Java User's Group
San Diego Junior Theatre
San Diego Kayak Club
San Diego Linux Users Group
San Diego Macintosh User Group
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
San Diego Mission Bay Resort
San Diego MIT Enterprise Forum
San Diego Museum of Man
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego Open-Source Software Organization
San Diego Oracle Users Group (SDOUG)
San Diego Padres
San Diego Park and Recreation
San Diego PC User Group
San Diego Performing Arts Center
San Diego Perl Mongers
San Diego PHP User's Group
San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Technology Committee
San Diego River Park Foundation
San Diego Soccer Club Pegasus
San Diego Software Industry Council
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD
San Diego Symphony
San Diego Telecom Council
San Diego UPA (Usability Professionals Association)
San Diego Venture Group (SDVG)
San Diego VoIP
San Diego Web Technologies Group
San Diego Windows 2003 User Group
San Diego Writers Ink
San Diego Yacht Club
San Diego Youth Symphony
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park
San Pasqual and Clevenger Canyon Open Space Park
Scuba San Diego
SDMT Theater
SeaWorld San Diego
Seniors Computer Group
Serra Museum
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina
Sierra Club San Diego Chapter
Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS), San Diego Chapter
Society for Technical Communication, San Diego chapter
Softball San Diego
Southern California Association of Camera Clubs (SCACC)
Southwestern College
Southwestern Yacht Club
Spanish Village Art Center
Standley Recreation Center
Starlight Theatre - San Diego Civic Light Opera Association
General Interest
Performing Arts
Pop Entertainment
Special Interest
Sports & Recreation
Affinity Groups
Business Networking
Creative - Design/ Writing
Entrepreneurial/ Small Biz
Finance/ Biz Dev/ VC
Gov'ts & Agencies
Marketing/ Sales/ Media
Shopping, Retailers
Technology & Engineering
Athena San Diego
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), San Diego chapter
Kernel-Panic Linux Users' Group (KPLUG)
San Diego .NET Developers Group
San Diego 2600
San Diego BSD Users Group
San Diego CHI (Computer-Human Interaction)
San Diego ColdFusion User Group
San Diego Java User's Group
San Diego Linux Users Group
San Diego Macintosh User Group
San Diego MIT Enterprise Forum
San Diego Open-Source Software Organization
San Diego Oracle Users Group (SDOUG)
San Diego PC User Group
San Diego Perl Mongers
San Diego PHP User's Group
San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Technology Committee
San Diego Software Industry Council
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD
San Diego Telecom Council
San Diego UPA (Usability Professionals Association)
San Diego Venture Group (SDVG)
San Diego VoIP
San Diego Web Technologies Group
San Diego Windows 2003 User Group
Seniors Computer Group
Society for Technical Communication, San Diego chapter
Technical Training Resources
UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Windows Networking Solutions User Group
XP San Diego
Venues - Hotels
Venues - Mtg locations
Venues - Offices
Venues - Restaurants & Clubs
San Diego Web Technologies Group
San Marcos CA
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