All Berkeley organizations: |
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- 145 Dwinelle Hall
- 150 Stanley Hall
- 160 Kroeber Hall, UCB
- 230 Minor Hall, University of California, Berkeley
- 2727 California Street Gallery
- 310 Jacobs Hall
- 340 BCNM Commons
- 370 Dwinelle Hall
- 44 Restaurant and Bar
- 4th Street Fine Art
- 7th Heaven Yoga Studio
- AdelinesLAB Gallery In Collaboration With Firehouse Art Collective
- All Souls Episcopal Church
- Alphonse Berber Gallery
- Anam Cara House
- Anam Cara House
- Anna's Jazz Island
- Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility
- Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
- Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley
- Ashby Stage
- Ashkenaz World Music & Dance Community Center
- Astronomical Assoc of Northern California
- Au Coquelet
- Aurora Theatre Company
- Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion
- BAMPFA Full Series
- Bancroft Hotel
- Barefoot Chamber Concerts
- Bartlett's Patio (at the Berkeley Central Public Library)
- Bauman College
- Bay Area Book Festival
- Bay Area Skeptics
- Berkeley Adult School
- Berkeley Adult School Parking Lot
- Berkeley Art Center
- Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
- Berkeley Arts Festival
- Berkeley Center for Natural Medicine
- Berkeley Center for New Media/Art Techonology & Culture Colloquium [ATC]
- Berkeley Center for New Media/San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association
- Berkeley Center for New Media/UC Berkeley Regent's Lecture
- Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley City Club
- Berkeley City College
- Berkeley Community Media - CH28 Studios
- Berkeley Community Theatre
- Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
- Berkeley Festival
- Berkeley Friends Church
- Berkeley High School Jazz
- Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Berkeley Library, South Branch
- Berkeley Marina
- Berkeley Marina's Cesar E. Chavez Park
- Berkeley Opera
- Berkeley Piano Club
- Berkeley Playhouse
- Berkeley Public Library
- Berkeley Repertory Theater (Roda Theatre)
- Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Thrust Stage
- Berkeley Shambhala Center
- Berkeley Symphony
- Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
- Berkeley Technology Academy
- Berkeley West Branch Library
- Berkeley, City of
- Beth El
- Birthways
- Black Oak Books
- Black Repertory Group Theater
- Blake's
- Books Inc. Berkeley
- Brasarte
- Brazil Cafe Rose Garden
- Brazilian Room
- Brower Center
- Build Pizzeria Roma
- Caffe Trieste Berkeley
- Cal Performances
- Cal Sailing Club
- California Jazz Conservatory
- California Theater - Berkeley
- California Writers Club - Berkeley
- Casa de Cultura
- Cherie Hill IrieDance
- Chochmat Halev
- Christian Science Organization
- Claremont Resort and Spa
- Clark Kerr Campus, Krutch Theater, Building 14
- Club at the Claremont, The Claremont Ballroom
- CNMAT Berkeley
- College of Environmental Design
- Common Circle Education
- Common Circle Education - Berkeley
- Composers, Inc.
- Congregation Netivot Shalom
- Cooper Cogburn Presents Comedy
- Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center, Dalby Room
- Disability Rights Advocates
- DiversityWorks Worshops
- Doubletree Inn - Berkeley Marina
- Down Low Lounge
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley Association
- Downtown Berkeley BART Plaza
- Dream Institute
- Easton Hall
- Ecology Center
- Ed Roberts Campus
- Elephant Pharmacy - Berkeley
- Energy Biosciences Building
- Epworth Church
- Expressions Gallery
- Fantasy Studios
- Finnish Brotherhood Hall
- Firehouse Art Collective
- Firehouse Art Collective Indie Micro Mall
- Firehouse Art Events Hangar
- First Church of Christ Scientist - Berkeley
- First Congregational Church of Berkeley
- First Presbyterian Church - Berkeley
- Florence Schwimley Little Theater, Berkeley High School
- Four Seasons Arts
- Fourth Street
- Fourth Street Merchants
- Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse
- Gather Restaurant
- Geballe Room, Townsend Center
- Gilman Art Walk
- Gilman Brewing
- Giorgi Gallery
- Gourmet Ghetto
- Gourmet Ghetto, North Shattuck Ave.
- Greek Theatre
- Habitot Children's Museum
- Harmony Beauty Boutique
- Hearst Museum of Anthropology- Gallery and Patio
- Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley
- Hillside Club
- Himalayan Fair Committee
- Hotel Shattuck Plaza
- Hs. Lordships Restaurant
- Hummingbird Medicine Art & Healing Studio
- International House at UC Berkeley
- Janam
- Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
- Jewish Voice for Peace-Bay Area
- Joaquin Miller Park
- John Hinkel Park
- John Muir Elementary School blacktop
- Julia Morgan Center for the Performing Arts
- Jupiter
- Kala Art Institute
- King Middle School
- La Pena Community Chorus
- La Pena Cultural Center
- Lehrhaus Judaica
- LifeLong Medical Care Administration Building
- Live Oak Park
- Live Oak Park (Outside the Berkeley Art Center)
- Live Oak Theater
- Los Tristes
- Lucre Lounge
- Magnes Museum
- Manzanita Wellness Center
- Martin Luther King Civic Center
- Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Civic Center Park
- Maybeck Studio for the Performing Arts
- Mel's - Berkeley
- Middle East Children's Alliance
- Mr. Weed's Comedy Cafe
- Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore
- Musical Offering Cafe
- Native Here Nursery
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- Northbrae Community Church
- OCSC Sailing
- Old Berkeley City Hall historic building
- Our Third Act
- Pacific Hornblower
- Pacific School of Religion
- Pacific School of Religion Chapel
- Pacific Standard
- Persian Center
- Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy- Solano
- Prudential Building
- Quan Yin Training Center
- R. Kassman Piano
- Rae Douglass Gallery
- Rae Dunn's Studio
- Real Vocal String Quartet
- Red Tomato Pizza House
- Redwood Grove @ UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley
- REI - Berkeley
- Revival Bar and Kitchen
- Rhythm and Sound Space
- Rialto Cinemas Elmwood
- Ridhwan Center For Spiritual Development
- Ridhwan School
- Ridhwan School
- Rose Labyrinth
- Rudramandir
- Sacred Space at Rudramandir
- Saint John's Presbyterian Church
- Saint Mary Magdalen Church
- Sandbox Suites - Berkeley
- Sea Breeze Cafe
- Shawl-Anderson Dance Center
- Shotgun Players
- Shotgun Studios
- Show Place Art
- Sibley Auditorium
- Siemens Technology-To-Business
- Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter
- Silk Road House
- Society of Women Engineers, Golden Gate Section
- Solano Avenue Association
- Solano Avenue, Berkeley/Albany
- South Berkeley Senior Center
- Spats Berkeley
- Spenger's Fresh Fish Grotto
- Spengers
- St. Joseph the Worker Church
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- St. Paul AME
- Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
- Starry Plough
- Stochastic Labs
- Strawberry Creek Park Basketball Courts
- Studio Grow
- Sub Rosa Sound
- Subterranean Art House
- Sur La Table, Berkeley store
- Sustainable Business Alliance
- Sutardja Dai Main Auditorium
- Takara Sake Tasting Room
- TEDxBerkeley
- Telegraph Avenue
- Terra's Temple
- Tessier Winery
- The Bakery at the Berkeley Rep School of Theatre
- The Berkeley School
- The Berkeley Yacht Club
- The Drop 84
- The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
- The Hub Berkeley
- The Marsh Arts Center
- The Monkey House
- The Psychotherapy Institute
- The SAGE Centers
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The Works Cooperative, Inc., Exercise and Dance Studio
- The Yoga Room
- Totally Rad Gallery
- Totland Park
- TrikaShala
- Trinity Chapel
- uBe Gallery
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley - Dwinelle Hall and Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley - VLSB 2060, Moffitt 101 and 102
- UC Berkeley 100 Boalt Hall
- UC Berkeley Campus
- UC Berkeley Campus - Lawrence Hall of Science
- UC Berkeley Campus - Shared Services
- UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education
- UC Berkeley Extension
- UC Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, S-480
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, Wells Fargo Room
- UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Conference Room
- UC Berkeley Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley Skydeck
- UC Berkeley, 159 Mulford
- UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School, Room 110
- UC Berkeley, Evans Hall Room 60
- UC Berkeley, MLK Student Union, 3rd Floor
- UC Berkeley, Spanish and Portuguese Library
- UC Berkeley, The Promenade Bldg, 2nd Fl, Room 231
- UC Berkeley, Valley Life Sciences Building
- UC Berkeley, Wheeler Auditorium
- UC Berkeley, Wozniak Lounge, Soda Hall
- UC-Berkeley Campus, 83 Dwinelle Hall
- UCB Edwards Stadium
- UCB Music Dept, 125 Morrison Hall
- Unity of Berkeley
- University Lutheran Chapel
- University of California Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- University of California Botanical Garden
- University of California, Berkeley (Haas Pavilion)
- Urban Adamah
- Urbano Cellars
- Waterfront Playhouse
- Wells Fargo Room, Haas School of Business
- Western Institute for Social Research
- Western Sky Studio
- Wine Country Adventures
- World Dance Center/The Capoeira Arts Cafe
- Worth Ryder Art Gallery
- Wurster Hall, Room 112, UCB
- Yeah Buddy Awesome Time
- YMTC - Youth Musical Theater Company
- Youth Adult Project
- Zellerbach Hall
- Zellerbach Playhouse
All organizations starting with C: |
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- C&T Publishing
- C-SIX Network Group
- C.E.O. Women Offices
- Cable Car Theatre
- CableLabs
- Cabrillo College Erica Schilling Forum
- Cabrillo College Recital Hall
- Cabrillo College Theatre
- Cabrillo College, Aptos (Main) Campus
- Cabrillo Crocker Theater
- Cadence Design Systems Inc.
- Cadillac Hotel
- Cafe Bastille
- Cafe Cocomo
- Cafe Dejena
- Cafe du Nord
- Cafe Royale
- Cafe Stritch
- Cafe Valparaiso
- Caffe Adria
- Caffe Trieste Berkeley
- Cain Schulte Contemporary Art
- Caipirinha
- Cal Performances
- Cal Sailing Club
- Cal State East Bay University Theatre
- Cal State University East Bay-Concord
- Cal-Asia
- Calabash
- Caledonian Club of San Francisco
- California Academy of Sciences
- California Autism Foundation
- California Care Academy
- California Center Pleasanton
- California Closets Showroom
- California College of the Arts
- California College of the Arts (CCA) - Oakland campus
- California College of the Arts - SF campus
- California College of the Arts, Student Center Lounge (near the main entrance)
- California Collision
- California Council for Excellence
- California Genealogical Society and Library
- California Historical Society
- California Humanities
- California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
- California International Airshow Salinas
- California Jazz Conservatory
- California Lawyers for the Arts
- California Mission Room, Benson Center, Santa Clara University
- California Modern Art Gallery
- California Music Center
- California Music Center
- California Native Plant Society, Santa Clara Valley chapter
- California Native Plant Society, Yerba Buena Chapter
- California Pacific Medical Center
- California Professional Women's Association
- California School for the Deaf - Bear Hunt Sculpture
- California Shakespeare Theater (Cal Shakes)
- California Shakespeare Theater Upper Grove at the Bruns
- California State University - East Bay Continuing Education Campus
- California Summer Music
- California Summer Music
- California Symphony
- California Teachers Association
- California Theater - Berkeley
- California Theater - Pittsburg
- California Theater Center
- California Theatre - SJ
- California Writers Circle (formerly Fire Circle)
- California Writers Club - Berkeley
- California Writers Club San Francisco Peninsula Branch
- California Youth Symphony
- California's Great America
- Calvary Presbyterian Church - San Francisco
- Cambiati Wellness Programs
- Cambiati Wellness Programs
- Camden Business Center
- Camera 12 Cinemas
- Camera 3 Cinema
- Cameron's Inn
- Caminar
- Caminos Flamencos
- Campbell Community Center
- Campbell Community Center - Roosevelt Room, #C31
- Campbell Community Center, Orchard City Banquet Hall
- Campbell Community Center, Room E 44
- Campbell Heritage Theater
- Campbell Recital Hall - Stanford University
- Campbell United Methodist Church
- Campbell, City of
- Campo di Bocce - Livermore
- Campo di Bocce - Los Gatos
- Campovida Taste of Place
- Canada College
- CaƱada College Fashion Department
- Canada College Fashion Design and Merchandising Department.
- Canada College Main Theatre
- Canopy
- Cantina
- Cantor Arts Center - Stanford
- Canvas at Cornerstone
- Canvas Gallery
- Canyon View Dining Hall
- Capacitor
- Capgemini Offices
- Capital Club Athletics
- Capri Elementary School
- Capuchino High School Auditorium
- Cara Connors
- Cardelli Center
- Carden West School
- Cardiff Lounge Campbell
- Cardio Barre
- Care First Resources
- Carl's Jr (private room)
- Carlmont Performing Arts Center
- Carmel Center for the Performing Arts at Carmel High School
- Carmel Group
- Carmel Mission
- Carmel Valley Athletic Club
- Carnegie Mellon West
- Carnelian Room
- Carola Zertuche Centro de Arte Flamenco
- Carolina Lugo presents Grand Re-opening of Flamenco in the Afternoon with Tachiria Flamenco Ballet
- Carpenter's Hall
- Carr & Ferrell LLP
- Carr McClellan Ingersoll Thompson & Horn
- Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School
- Carrows
- Carter
- Caruso's at The Westin St Francis
- Casa de Cultura
- Casa Sanchez
- Case of the Mondays Comedy Show
- Cashin Company
- Casino M8trix
- Castlewood Country Club
- Castro Art Walk
- Castro Country Club
- Castro District
- Castro Elementary School
- Castro Theatre
- Castro Theatre and Vogue Theatre
- Castro Valley Center for the Arts
- Castro Valley Library
- Castro Valley Library, Chabot Room
- Catalog & Ecommerce Club of Northern California
- Catalyst
- Catalyst Cocktails
- Catharine Clark Gallery
- Cathedral Hill Hotel
- Catholic Charities Bayview Access Point
- Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
- Catholic Charities Of Santa Clara County
- Catholic Charities San Francisco, San Mateo, & Marin
- Catholics@Work
- Cato's Ale House
- Cazadero Music Camp
- CazSonoma Inn
- CBS Interactive
- CCA Hubbell Street Galleries
- CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts
- CCIKA Main Dojo
- Cedarwood Sudbury School
- Celebrate Life Community Center
- Celebration Center
- CELLspace
- Cement Gallery at Glass Key Photo
- Cemex Auditorium, Stanford University Graduate School of Business
- Centennial Park
- Centennial Plaza
- Center at 435
- Center Complex, Building 2
- Center for Asian American Media (CAAM)
- Center for Computer Research in Music & Acoustics
- Center for Heart Inspired Living
- Center for History and Community
- Center for Integral Human Being
- Center For Liver Disease at Sutter Pacific Medical Center
- Center for New Music
- Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-Atherton
- Center for Sex & Culture
- Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
- Center for Spiritual Living - San Jose
- Center for Spiritual Living-Ashbury Heights
- Center for Sustainable Change
- Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture (CUESA)
- Center of Hope Community Church
- Central Park
- Centre Concord
- Century Club
- Century House
- Century House
- Century House
- Century House and Gardens
- Century Park Plaza (HQ)
- Century Stereo
- CEO Women
- CEOnetworking
- Cesar's Latin Palace
- CET Theater
- Chabot College
- Chabot College Performing Arts Center
- Chabot Space & Science Center
- Chaminade Resort & Conference Center
- Chandler Fine Art
- Change Makers Book Store
- Chanticleer
- Chapel of the Chimes
- Charles F. Kennedy Park
- Charles Gadeken
- Charles M. Schulz Museum
- Charles Phan's Slanted Door Prep Kitchen
- Charles Schwab & Co.
- Charles Schwab - Main & Howard
- Cheetah Mobile Office
- Cherie Hill IrieDance
- Chevron Energy Solutions
- Chevy's Restaurant - Fairfield
- Chevys Fresh Mex
- Chez Berlue
- Chez Poulet
- Chic Chateau
- Child & Family Counseling Group
- Child Advocates of Silicon Valley
- Childcare Links
- Children's Creativity Museum
- Children's Discovery Museum
- Children's Garden, San Francisco Botanical Garden
- Children's Music Workshops
- Children's Theatre Association of San Francisco
- Childrens Fairyland
- Chinatown - SF
- Chinatown / Him Mark Lai Branch Library
- Chinatown Media and Arts Collaborative
- Chinatown Merchants Association - SF
- Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association (CASPA)
- Chinese Chamber of Commerce - SF
- Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
- Chinese Historical Society
- Chinese Info & Networking Assoc (CINA)
- Chinese Software Professionals Association (CSPA)
- Chinese Whispers
- Chiropractic Center of Campbell
- Chiropractic from the Heart
- Chitresh Das Dance Company
- Chitresh Das Institute
- Chochmat Halev
- Chorus Hall
- Chris's New Harbor
- Christ the Light Cathedral
- Christ the Lord Church
- Christian Science Church Mountain View
- Christian Science Organization
- Christmas Hill Park
- Christmasville
- ChromiumForum
- Chronicle Books
- Chronicle Books - Metreon Store
- Chronicle Pavilion
- Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale
- Church of Divine Man
- Church of Santa Maria
- Church of Soul
- Church of St. John the Evangelist
- Church of the Advent
- Church of the Epiphany
- Church of the Holy Cross
- Church Produce
- Churchill Club
- Cid Pearlman Performance
- Cigar Bar
- CIIS Main Building
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor, Namaste Hall
- CIIS Minna Street Center
- CIIS Public Programs
- Cinnabar Hills Golf Club
- Cinnabar Theater
- Cinnabar Theater
- Cinnabar Theater
- Circle of Palm Plaza
- Circo Zero
- Circuit Network
- Circus Automatic
- Circus Center
- Cisco - Bldg 8
- Cisco - Building 10
- Cisco - Building 18
- Cisco Building 21 (Milpitas), main lobby conference room
- Cisco Systems - Bldg 3
- Cisco Systems - Bldg 9
- Cisco Systems, Bldg 22
- Cisco Systems, Bldg J
- Cisco Systems, Bldg. 9
- Cisco Systems, Inc. - Bldg 30
- Cisco Systems, St. Bernard Conference Room
- Cisco TelePresence Suites
- Citi Group Building Atrium
- Citigroup Center, 28th Floor
- Citizen Space
- Citrix - 4980
- Citrix Systems Silicon Valley Headquarters
- City Arts & Lectures
- City Ballet School - San Francisco
- City Beach Fremont
- City Beach Santa Clara
- City Block Shopping Center
- City Club of San Francisco
- City College of San Francisco, Downtown campus
- City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Courtyard
- City College of San Francisco, Southeast Campus
- City Dance Studios
- City Lights Theater Company of San Jose
- City Park
- City Segway Tours
- City Team
- City View Metreon
- Cityline Event Center
- Civic Center Plaza
- Civic Center Plaza
- Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco
- Civic Center, Mtn View
- Civic Park in Walnut Creek
- Clara BIJL
- Claremont Resort and Spa
- Clarion Performing Arts Center
- Clark Center Auditorium
- Clark Kerr Campus, Krutch Theater, Building 14
- Clars Auction Gallery
- Classic Cars West
- Classic Kids
- Clean Tech Open Website
- Clerestory
- Clif Bar
- Clift Hotel
- Clipper Cove, Treasure Island
- Clock Tower Conference Center (adjacent to Clock Tower Coffee Roasting)
- Clocktower Coffee Conference Center
- Cloudera
- Clove and Hoof
- Club 21
- Club at the Claremont, The Claremont Ballroom
- Club Auto Sport
- Club Auto Sport of San Jose
- Club Fox
- Club Fugazi
- Club House - 760 Sea Spray
- Club House - 763 Santa Maria
- Club Mallard
- Club NV
- Club Sport Fremont
- Clubhouse
- ClubSport of San Ramon
- CMO Council
- CNET Headquarters
- CNMAT Berkeley
- Co-Tweet by ExactTarget
- Coast Santa Cruz Hotel
- Coastside Adult Day Health Center
- Coastside Lutheran Church
- Cobb's Comedy Club
- Coco Cabana Restaurant
- Coco's on Oakmead, Sunnyvale
- Cocoanut Grove
- Cody's Books
- Coffee Catz
- Cogswell Polytechnical College
- Coherent, Inc.
- Cohn-Stone Studios
- Coldwell Banker
- Coldwell Banker - Menlo Park
- Coldwell Banker - Palo Alto
- Collaborative Practice Center
- College of Environmental Design
- College of Marin Art Gallery
- College of Marin: Kentfield Campus; Harlan Center
- College of San Mateo
- College of San Mateo Theatre, Bldg 3
- College of San Mateo, College Center Building 10, Bayview Dining Room
- Colonial Arts
- Columbia Alumni Club of Northern California
- Comedy Baseball
- Comedy Gold, a Standup Comedy Showcase
- Comedy Oakland
- Comedy On The Square
- Comerica Bank
- Comfort Suites
- Commercial Street Conference Room
- Commodore Cruises - Zinfandel Line
- Common Circle Education
- Common Circle Education - Berkeley
- Common Ground
- Commonwealth Club
- Commonwealth Club Office (San Francisco)
- Commonwealth Club Office (Silicon Valley)
- Communications Technology Cluster
- Community Alliance Church
- Community Assoc for Rehabilitation, Inc. (C.A.R.)
- Community Bank of the Bay
- Community Bridges
- Community Congregational Church
- Community Foods Market
- Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
- Community Foundation Silicon Valley
- Community Hub
- Community Impact
- Community School of Music and Arts
- Community United Methodist Church
- Compass High School
- Compass Rose, Westin St Francis
- CompoClay Showroom
- Composers, Inc.
- Computer History Museum
- Computer Magic Training
- Concord Art Association
- Concord Community of Artists
- Concord Hilton
- Concord Public Library
- Concord Senior Center
- Concord, City of
- Concourse Exhibition Center
- Concreteworks
- Conference Hall
- Conference Room
- Conference Room, 14th Floor
- Congregation Beth Sholom
- Congregation Kol Shofar
- Congregation Ner Shalom
- Congregation Netivot Shalom
- Congregation Rodef Sholom
- Congregation Sherith Israel
- Congregational Church of Belmont
- Congregational Church of San Mateo
- Congregational Church of San Mateo (Kloss Hall)
- Congregration Sha'ar Zahav
- ConnectSolutions classroom
- Conscious Consulting
- Conservatory of Flowers
- Consulate General of Mexico in San Francisco
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- Conteneo Inc.
- Contra Costa Builders Exchange
- Contra Costa Chamber Orchestra
- Contra Costa Civic Theatre
- Contra Costa College
- Contra Costa College, Physical Education Complex
- Contra Costa Country Club
- Contra Costa Jewish Community Center
- Contra Costa Jewish Day School
- Contra Costa SBDC
- Contra Loma Regional Park
- Contract Design Center
- Cooley LLP
- Cooper Cogburn Presents Comedy
- Cooper White & Cooper
- Cooper-Garrod Winery
- Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
- Copart, Inc.
- Coppola Theater at San Francisco State University, Fine Arts 101
- Copyright Bar
- Coreen's Holiday Pottery Studio Sale
- Corinthian Yacht Club
- Cornell Alumni Association of Northern California
- Corner Bakery - Palo Alto
- Corner Bakery - Palo Alto
- Corner Bakery - Palo Alto
- Corner of Market and New Montgomery Streets
- Corporate Inn - Sunnyvale
- Corte Madera Library
- Corte Madera Recreation Center
- Corte Madera, City of
- Corvinus Hungarian Cultural Group
- Cosmopolitan
- Costanoa Coastal Lodge & Camp
- CounterPULSE
- Country Gourmet Restaurant
- Country Inn & Suites - Sunnyvale
- Country Inns & Suites - Sunnyvale
- Courthouse Square
- Courtside Sports Resort
- Courtyard By Marriott
- Courtyard By Marriott - Novato
- Courtyard by Marriott San Francisco Airport Oyster Point
- Courtyard Fairfield Napa Valley Area
- Courtyard Marriott - Oakland Emeryville
- Courtyard Marriott - Pleasant Hill
- Courtyard Marriott - San Ramon
- Courtyard Newark Silicon Valley
- Courtyard San Jose Cupertino
- Courtyard San Mateo Foster City
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- Covo SF
- Cow Palace
- Cowell Ranch Historic Hay Barn UCSC
- Cowell Theater
- Coyote Hills Regional Park
- Coyote Point Recreation Area
- Coyote Point Yacht Club
- Coyote Ranch
- Coyote Valley Sporting Clays
- CPC Job Connections
- CPR Education
- Craneway Pavilion
- Creative Pittsburg
- Creativity Explored
- Creativity Explored 2
- Creekside Inn
- Crepevine Restaurant
- Crissy Field
- Croatian American Cultural Center
- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Greater Bay Area Chapter
- Crossroads Bible Church
- Crossroads Cafe
- CrossWinds Church
- Crow Canyon Country Club
- Crow's Nest
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center, Dalby Room
- Crown Point Press
- Crowne Plaza - Oakland South/Union City
- Crowne Plaza Hotel
- Crowne Plaza Hotel
- Crowne Plaza Hotel - Foster City
- Crowne Plaza Hotel - Pleasanton
- Crowne Plaza Hotel - San Jose - Silicon Valley
- Crowne Plaza Hotel Palo Alto
- Crowne Plaza San Francisco International
- CRUfit Montclair Village
- Crystal Ballroom
- Crystal Springs Golf Course
- CSR Technology Inc.
- CSU Monterey Bay
- CSUEB Concord Campus
- CubaCaribe
- Cubberley Auditorium at Stanford
- Cubberley Community Center
- Cubberley Community Center (Room m4)
- Cubberley Community Center, Room H-1
- Cubberley Theater
- Cue Productions Live
- Cuesta Park
- CultuCuba
- Cunningham Chapel, Notre Dame de Namur University
- Cupertino Room B, Sobrato Non-Profit Center
- Cupertino Symphonic Band
- Cupertino Target
- Cupertino, City of
- Curious Flights
- Curvy Girl Lingerie in Willow Glen
- Custom Made Theatre
- Cymber Lily Quinn
- Cypress Hotel
- Cypress Semiconductor
- Cypress String Quartet
General Interest
Performing Arts
Pop Entertainment
Special Interest
· Religion, Faith & Spirituality |
- Abundant Life Hall
- Abyssinian Baptist Church
- Addison-Penzak JCC Los Gatos
- Albert L. Schultz Jewish Community Center
- All Saints' Church
- All Souls Episcopal Church
- Allen Temple Baptist Church
- Ananda Palo Alto
- Arlington Community Church
- Art of Living Center
- Art Of Living Foundation
- Asbury United Methodist Church
- B'nai Tikvah
- Badarikashrama
- Bay Area Shambhala
- Bay Dervish
- Beebe Memorial Cathedral, CME
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
- Berkeley Friends Church
- Beth Am
- Beth El
- Beth Emek
- Beth Israel Judea
- Beth Jacob
- Bethany United Methodist Church
- Bethel Church of San Jose
- Bethel Church of San Jose
- Bethel Church of San Jose
- Bethel Korean United Methodist Church
- Brandeis Hillel Day School
- Brentwood Community United Methodist Church
- Buddhist Church of San Francisco
- Burlingame Hall, First Congregational
- Burlingame United Methodist Church
- Calvary Presbyterian Church - San Francisco
- Campbell United Methodist Church
- Cardelli Center
- Carmel Mission
- Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
- Catholics@Work
- Celebrate Life Community Center
- Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
- Center for Spiritual Living - San Jose
- Center for Spiritual Living-Ashbury Heights
- Center of Hope Community Church
- Chochmat Halev
- Christ the Light Cathedral
- Christ the Lord Church
- Christian Science Church Mountain View
- Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale
- Church of Divine Man
- Church of Santa Maria
- Church of Soul
- Church of St. John the Evangelist
- Church of the Advent
- Church of the Epiphany
- Coastside Lutheran Church
- Community Alliance Church
- Community Congregational Church
- Community United Methodist Church
- Congregation Beth Sholom
- Congregation Kol Shofar
- Congregation Ner Shalom
- Congregation Netivot Shalom
- Congregation Rodef Sholom
- Congregation Sherith Israel
- Congregational Church of Belmont
- Congregational Church of San Mateo
- Congregational Church of San Mateo (Kloss Hall)
- Congregration Sha'ar Zahav
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- Contra Costa Jewish Community Center
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- Crossroads Bible Church
- CrossWinds Church
- Cunningham Chapel, Notre Dame de Namur University
- Divine Science Community Center
- Downs Memorial United Methodist Church
- East Bay Church
- Easter Hill Methodist Church
- Ebenezer Lutheran Church
- Emmanuel Baptist Church
- Epworth Church
- Etz Chayim
- Fairfax Community Church
- Fellowship Hall @ Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church
- Fellowship Hall, Orinda Community Church
- Fellowship Hall, Our Savior's Lutheran Church
- First Baptist Church
- First Church of Christ Scientist
- First Church of Christ Scientist - Berkeley
- First Church of Christ, Scientist
- First Congregational Church of Berkeley
- First Congregational Church of Oakland
- First Congregational Church of Palo Alto
- First Congregational Church of San Francisco
- First Congregational Church of San Jose
- First Covenant Church
- First Lutheran
- First Presbyterian Church - Berkeley
- First Presbyterian Church - Livermore
- First Presbyterian Church - Palo Alto
- First Presbyterian Church of Oakland
- First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo
- First Unitarian Church of Oakland
- First Unitarian Universalist Center of San Francisco
- First United Methodist Church
- First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto
- Foothill Presbyterian Church
- Garden City Church
- Glad Tidings Church
- Glide Memorial Church
- Golden Gate Spiritualist Church
- Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall
- Grace Cathedral
- Grace Cathedral Gresham Hall
- Grace Lutheran Church
- Grace Presbyterian Church
- Greater St Paul Church
- Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension
- Guerneville Community Church
- Hamilton United Methodist Church
- Healdsburg Community Church
- herchurch SF
- Hillside Swedenborgian Community Church
- Holy Cross Church
- Holy Cross Church - Community Room
- Holy Innocents Episcopal Church
- Holy Names University
- Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
- Humanist Hall
- Imani Community Church
- Immanuel Lutheran Church
- Inner Light Ministries Center
- Interfaith Center at the Presidio
- ISKCON Silicon Valley
- Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
- Jain Temple
- Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
- Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
- Jewish Gateways
- Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
- Jones Memorial United Methodist Church
- Kehila Synagogue
- Kehilla Community Synagogue
- Ladera Community Church
- Lafayette - Orinda Presbyterian Church
- Lake Merritt United Methodist Church
- Lehrhaus Judaica
- Levy Family Campus, APJCC Auditorium
- Lincoln Glen Church
- Los Altos Lutheran
- Los Altos United Methodist Church
- Los Gatos Seventh-day Adventist Church
- Lynnewood United Methodist Church
- M.A. Center
- MA Center
- Magnes Museum
- Marianist Province of the Pacific
- Marin Lutheran Church
- Mercy Center
- Merritt College - Temple Sinai Village
- Messiah Lutheran Church
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Mission Dolores Basilica
- Mission San Jose Church
- Mission San Juan Bautista
- Mission Santa Clara
- Montclair Presbyterian Church
- Montgomery Memorial Chapel
- Mormon Temple
- Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
- Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church
- Muslim Community Association
- Napa Methodist Church
- New Destiny Church
- Noe Valley Ministry
- Northbrae Community Church
- Oak Park Christian Center, Room #C-18
- Old First Presbyterian
- Old St. Mary's Cathedral
- Orinda Community Church
- Oshman Family JCC / Taube Koret Campus for Jewish Life
- Our Lady Help of Christians
- Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Our Lady of Peace
- Our Saviour Lutheran Church
- Pacific School of Religion
- Pacific School of Religion Chapel
- Park Boulevard Presbyterian Church
- Peace United Church of Christ
- Pema Osel Ling Retreat Center
- Peninsula Jewish Community Center
- Piedmont Community Church
- Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos
- Redwood City Eckankar Center
- Ridhwan Center For Spiritual Development
- Ridhwan Center For Spiritual Development
- Sacred Heart Church
- Sacred Paths Bookstore
- Sacred Space at Rudramandir
- Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church and School
- Saint John's Presbyterian Church
- Saint Joseph's Cathedral
- Saint Mary Magdalen Church
- Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
- San Francisco Christian Center
- San Francisco Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
- San Francisco Zen Center, City Center
- Santa Sabina Retreat Center
- Saratoga Federated Church
- Shir Hadash
- Silicon Valley Fellowship
- Sisters of Saint Dominic
- Skyline Community Church
- Skyline Community Church
- Skyline Community Church
- Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
- Social Hall, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwd City
- Spirit Rock Meditation Center
- St Columba Catholic Church
- St Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church
- St James Episcopal Church
- St James Episcopal Church
- St Joseph Basilica
- St Peter's Parish
- St. Aidan's Episcopal Church
- St. Alban's Episcopal Church
- St. Andrew Armenian Church
- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
- St. Ann's Chapel
- St. Augustine Church
- St. Bede's Episcopal Church
- St. Catherine of Siena Parish
- St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church
- St. David of Wales Catholic Church
- St. Dominic's Catholic Church
- St. Francis Episcopal Church
- St. Ignatius Church
- St. John Armenian Church
- St. John Vianney Annual Fiesta
- St. John Vianney's Holiday Faire
- St. John's Catholic Church
- St. John's Episcopal Church
- St. Joseph of Cupertino
- St. Joseph the Worker Church
- St. Joseph's Cathedral Basilica in downtown San Jose
- St. Jude's Episcopal Church Outdoor Courtyard
- St. Lucy Parish
- St. Luke's Episcopal Church
- St. Mark's Catholic Church
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- St. Mark's Lutheran Church
- St. Mary's Chapel
- St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
- St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
- St. Monica's Catholic Church
- St. Paul AME
- St. Paul Lutheran Church
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Oakland
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Walnut Creek
- St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall
- St. Peter's Church
- St. Stephen's Church
- St. Stephens Episcopal Church - Orinda
- St. Teresa of Avila Church
- St. Thomas Episcopal Church
- St. Vartan Armenian Church
- St. Vincent Church
- St. Vincent's Auditorium
- Star of the Sea Church
- Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church
- Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, Soule Hall
- Temple Beth Abraham
- Temple Beth Torah
- Temple Emanu-El
- Temple Isaiah of Contra Costa County
- Temple Israel
- Temple Sholom
- Temple Sinai
- Temple United Methodist Church
- Terra's Temple
- The Congregational Church of San Mateo
- The Islamic Center of Mill Valley
- The Learning Center at Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living
- Transfiguration Episcopal Church
- TrikaShala
- Trinity + St. Peter's Episcopal Church
- Trinity Episcopal Cathedral - San Jose
- Trinity Episcopal Church
- Trinity Lutheran Church
- Trinity United Methodist Church
- Unitarian Universalist Church
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
- Unitarian Universalist Congregation of San Mateo
- United Presbyterian Church Of Watsonville
- Unity Center in Marin
- Unity Church in Walnut Creek
- Unity of Berkeley
- Unity Palo Alto
- Universal Church of the Master
- University Lutheran Chapel
- Valley Baptist Church
- Valley Church
- Valley Community Church
- VIVE Church
- Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church
- West Valley Presbyterian Church
- Westgate Church Saratoga Campus
- Willow Glen United Methodist Church
- Zion Lutheran Church
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