All Berkeley organizations: |
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- 145 Dwinelle Hall
- 150 Stanley Hall
- 160 Kroeber Hall, UCB
- 230 Minor Hall, University of California, Berkeley
- 2727 California Street Gallery
- 310 Jacobs Hall
- 340 BCNM Commons
- 370 Dwinelle Hall
- 44 Restaurant and Bar
- 4th Street Fine Art
- 7th Heaven Yoga Studio
- AdelinesLAB Gallery In Collaboration With Firehouse Art Collective
- All Souls Episcopal Church
- Alphonse Berber Gallery
- Anam Cara House
- Anam Cara House
- Anna's Jazz Island
- Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility
- Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
- Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley
- Ashby Stage
- Ashkenaz World Music & Dance Community Center
- Astronomical Assoc of Northern California
- Au Coquelet
- Aurora Theatre Company
- Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion
- BAMPFA Full Series
- Bancroft Hotel
- Barefoot Chamber Concerts
- Bartlett's Patio (at the Berkeley Central Public Library)
- Bauman College
- Bay Area Book Festival
- Bay Area Skeptics
- Berkeley Adult School
- Berkeley Adult School Parking Lot
- Berkeley Art Center
- Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
- Berkeley Arts Festival
- Berkeley Center for Natural Medicine
- Berkeley Center for New Media/Art Techonology & Culture Colloquium [ATC]
- Berkeley Center for New Media/San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association
- Berkeley Center for New Media/UC Berkeley Regent's Lecture
- Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley City Club
- Berkeley City College
- Berkeley Community Media - CH28 Studios
- Berkeley Community Theatre
- Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
- Berkeley Festival
- Berkeley Friends Church
- Berkeley High School Jazz
- Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Berkeley Library, South Branch
- Berkeley Marina
- Berkeley Marina's Cesar E. Chavez Park
- Berkeley Opera
- Berkeley Piano Club
- Berkeley Playhouse
- Berkeley Public Library
- Berkeley Repertory Theater (Roda Theatre)
- Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Thrust Stage
- Berkeley Shambhala Center
- Berkeley Symphony
- Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
- Berkeley Technology Academy
- Berkeley West Branch Library
- Berkeley, City of
- Beth El
- Birthways
- Black Oak Books
- Black Repertory Group Theater
- Blake's
- Books Inc. Berkeley
- Brasarte
- Brazil Cafe Rose Garden
- Brazilian Room
- Brower Center
- Build Pizzeria Roma
- Caffe Trieste Berkeley
- Cal Performances
- Cal Sailing Club
- California Jazz Conservatory
- California Theater - Berkeley
- California Writers Club - Berkeley
- Casa de Cultura
- Cherie Hill IrieDance
- Chochmat Halev
- Christian Science Organization
- Claremont Resort and Spa
- Clark Kerr Campus, Krutch Theater, Building 14
- Club at the Claremont, The Claremont Ballroom
- CNMAT Berkeley
- College of Environmental Design
- Common Circle Education
- Common Circle Education - Berkeley
- Composers, Inc.
- Congregation Netivot Shalom
- Cooper Cogburn Presents Comedy
- Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center, Dalby Room
- Disability Rights Advocates
- DiversityWorks Worshops
- Doubletree Inn - Berkeley Marina
- Down Low Lounge
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley Association
- Downtown Berkeley BART Plaza
- Dream Institute
- Easton Hall
- Ecology Center
- Ed Roberts Campus
- Elephant Pharmacy - Berkeley
- Energy Biosciences Building
- Epworth Church
- Expressions Gallery
- Fantasy Studios
- Finnish Brotherhood Hall
- Firehouse Art Collective
- Firehouse Art Collective Indie Micro Mall
- Firehouse Art Events Hangar
- First Church of Christ Scientist - Berkeley
- First Congregational Church of Berkeley
- First Presbyterian Church - Berkeley
- Florence Schwimley Little Theater, Berkeley High School
- Four Seasons Arts
- Fourth Street
- Fourth Street Merchants
- Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse
- Gather Restaurant
- Geballe Room, Townsend Center
- Gilman Art Walk
- Gilman Brewing
- Giorgi Gallery
- Gourmet Ghetto
- Gourmet Ghetto, North Shattuck Ave.
- Greek Theatre
- Habitot Children's Museum
- Harmony Beauty Boutique
- Hearst Museum of Anthropology- Gallery and Patio
- Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley
- Hillside Club
- Himalayan Fair Committee
- Hotel Shattuck Plaza
- Hs. Lordships Restaurant
- Hummingbird Medicine Art & Healing Studio
- International House at UC Berkeley
- Janam
- Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
- Jewish Voice for Peace-Bay Area
- Joaquin Miller Park
- John Hinkel Park
- John Muir Elementary School blacktop
- Julia Morgan Center for the Performing Arts
- Jupiter
- Kala Art Institute
- King Middle School
- La Pena Community Chorus
- La Pena Cultural Center
- Lehrhaus Judaica
- LifeLong Medical Care Administration Building
- Live Oak Park
- Live Oak Park (Outside the Berkeley Art Center)
- Live Oak Theater
- Los Tristes
- Lucre Lounge
- Magnes Museum
- Manzanita Wellness Center
- Martin Luther King Civic Center
- Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Civic Center Park
- Maybeck Studio for the Performing Arts
- Mel's - Berkeley
- Middle East Children's Alliance
- Mr. Weed's Comedy Cafe
- Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore
- Musical Offering Cafe
- Native Here Nursery
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- Northbrae Community Church
- OCSC Sailing
- Old Berkeley City Hall historic building
- Our Third Act
- Pacific Hornblower
- Pacific School of Religion
- Pacific School of Religion Chapel
- Pacific Standard
- Persian Center
- Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy- Solano
- Prudential Building
- Quan Yin Training Center
- R. Kassman Piano
- Rae Douglass Gallery
- Rae Dunn's Studio
- Real Vocal String Quartet
- Red Tomato Pizza House
- Redwood Grove @ UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley
- REI - Berkeley
- Revival Bar and Kitchen
- Rhythm and Sound Space
- Rialto Cinemas Elmwood
- Ridhwan Center For Spiritual Development
- Ridhwan School
- Ridhwan School
- Rose Labyrinth
- Rudramandir
- Sacred Space at Rudramandir
- Saint John's Presbyterian Church
- Saint Mary Magdalen Church
- Sandbox Suites - Berkeley
- Sea Breeze Cafe
- Shawl-Anderson Dance Center
- Shotgun Players
- Shotgun Studios
- Show Place Art
- Sibley Auditorium
- Siemens Technology-To-Business
- Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter
- Silk Road House
- Society of Women Engineers, Golden Gate Section
- Solano Avenue Association
- Solano Avenue, Berkeley/Albany
- South Berkeley Senior Center
- Spats Berkeley
- Spenger's Fresh Fish Grotto
- Spengers
- St. Joseph the Worker Church
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- St. Paul AME
- Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
- Starry Plough
- Stochastic Labs
- Strawberry Creek Park Basketball Courts
- Studio Grow
- Sub Rosa Sound
- Subterranean Art House
- Sur La Table, Berkeley store
- Sustainable Business Alliance
- Sutardja Dai Main Auditorium
- Takara Sake Tasting Room
- TEDxBerkeley
- Telegraph Avenue
- Terra's Temple
- Tessier Winery
- The Bakery at the Berkeley Rep School of Theatre
- The Berkeley School
- The Berkeley Yacht Club
- The Drop 84
- The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
- The Hub Berkeley
- The Marsh Arts Center
- The Monkey House
- The Psychotherapy Institute
- The SAGE Centers
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The Works Cooperative, Inc., Exercise and Dance Studio
- The Yoga Room
- Totally Rad Gallery
- Totland Park
- TrikaShala
- Trinity Chapel
- uBe Gallery
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley - Dwinelle Hall and Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley - VLSB 2060, Moffitt 101 and 102
- UC Berkeley 100 Boalt Hall
- UC Berkeley Campus
- UC Berkeley Campus - Lawrence Hall of Science
- UC Berkeley Campus - Shared Services
- UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education
- UC Berkeley Extension
- UC Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, S-480
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, Wells Fargo Room
- UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Conference Room
- UC Berkeley Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley Skydeck
- UC Berkeley, 159 Mulford
- UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School, Room 110
- UC Berkeley, Evans Hall Room 60
- UC Berkeley, MLK Student Union, 3rd Floor
- UC Berkeley, Spanish and Portuguese Library
- UC Berkeley, The Promenade Bldg, 2nd Fl, Room 231
- UC Berkeley, Valley Life Sciences Building
- UC Berkeley, Wheeler Auditorium
- UC Berkeley, Wozniak Lounge, Soda Hall
- UC-Berkeley Campus, 83 Dwinelle Hall
- UCB Edwards Stadium
- UCB Music Dept, 125 Morrison Hall
- Unity of Berkeley
- University Lutheran Chapel
- University of California Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- University of California Botanical Garden
- University of California, Berkeley (Haas Pavilion)
- Urban Adamah
- Urbano Cellars
- Waterfront Playhouse
- Wells Fargo Room, Haas School of Business
- Western Institute for Social Research
- Western Sky Studio
- Wine Country Adventures
- World Dance Center/The Capoeira Arts Cafe
- Worth Ryder Art Gallery
- Wurster Hall, Room 112, UCB
- Yeah Buddy Awesome Time
- YMTC - Youth Musical Theater Company
- Youth Adult Project
- Zellerbach Hall
- Zellerbach Playhouse
General Interest
Performing Arts
Pop Entertainment
· Univ, Undergrad & Grad |
- 145 Dwinelle Hall
- 150 Stanley Hall
- 160 Kroeber Hall, UCB
- 230 Minor Hall, University of California, Berkeley
- 310 Jacobs Hall
- 340 BCNM Commons
- 370 Dwinelle Hall
- Academy of Art College
- Academy of Art University School of Fashion
- Art Institute of California - San Francisco
- Arts & Sciences Bldg. (#804) Santa Clara Univ. Campus
- Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley
- Babson College San Francisco
- Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion
- Bannon Engineering Labs Building Muti-Purpose Room, Santa Clara University
- Bechtel International Center
- Berkeley Center for New Media/San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association
- Berkeley Center for New Media/UC Berkeley Regent's Lecture
- Berkeley City College
- Berkeley City College
- Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Brandman University
- Braun Auditorium, Mudd Chemistry Building
- Cabrillo College Erica Schilling Forum
- Cabrillo College Recital Hall
- Cabrillo College Theatre
- Cabrillo College, Aptos (Main) Campus
- Cal State University East Bay-Concord
- California College of the Arts
- California College of the Arts (CCA) - Oakland campus
- California College of the Arts - SF campus
- California College of the Arts, Student Center Lounge (near the main entrance)
- California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
- California Mission Room, Benson Center, Santa Clara University
- California School for the Deaf - Bear Hunt Sculpture
- Canada College
- Canada College
- Cañada College Fashion Department
- Carnegie Mellon West
- CCA Hubbell Street Galleries
- CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts
- Cemex Auditorium, Stanford University Graduate School of Business
- Chabot College
- CIIS Main Building
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor, Namaste Hall
- CIIS Minna Street Center
- CIIS Public Programs
- City College of San Francisco, Downtown campus
- City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Courtyard
- City College of San Francisco, Southeast Campus
- Clark Kerr Campus, Krutch Theater, Building 14
- CNMAT Berkeley
- Cogswell Polytechnical College
- College of Environmental Design
- College of Marin Art Gallery
- College of Marin: Kentfield Campus; Harlan Center
- College of San Mateo
- College of San Mateo Theatre, Bldg 3
- College of San Mateo, College Center Building 10, Bayview Dining Room
- Contra Costa College
- Contra Costa College, Physical Education Complex
- Coppola Theater at San Francisco State University, Fine Arts 101
- CSU Monterey Bay
- CSUEB Concord Campus
- Cubberley Auditorium at Stanford
- Cunningham Chapel, Notre Dame de Namur University
- De Anza College
- De Anza College Campus Center, Conference Rooms A&B
- De Anza College Orchestra
- DeAnza College
- DeAnza College, California History Center
- DeAnza College, Room G-5
- Department of Music, Stanford University
- Devry University - Jarvis
- Diablo Valley College Music Industry Studies Program
- Diablo Valley College, Trophy Room
- Digital Arts Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Dominican Univ., Alemany Library, Rm. 207
- DVC Performing Arts Center
- Easton Hall
- Evergreen Valley College
- Foothill College
- Foothill College Room 4221 in the 4200 bldg, Pkg Lot 4
- Fremont Beauty College
- Frost Amphitheater
- Gavilan College, Main Campus
- Geballe Room, Townsend Center
- Golden Gate University
- Golden Gate University, Room #2203
- Golden Gate University, Room 5215
- Graduate Management Admission Council
- Green Music Center, Schroeder Hall, Sonoma State University
- Guzman Hall, Dominican University of California
- Hartnell College
- Hewlett Teaching Center, Stanford University
- Hillel at Stanford Koret Pavilion
- Holy Names University
- Holy Names University Teachers Apprentice Program
- Holy Names University's Teacher Apprenticeship Program
- Holy Names University: Valley Center for the Performing Arts
- Hult International Business School
- Jack Adams Hall
- John F Kennedy University, Room S209
- John F. Kennedy University
- John F. Kennedy University Campus
- John F. Kennedy University, Campbell campus
- John F. Kennedy University, Orinda campus
- John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill Campus
- John Muir Elementary School blacktop
- Knuth Music Hall
- Krause Center for Innovation, Foothill College
- Laney College
- Laney College Fine Arts Annex
- Laney College Football Field
- Laney College Theater
- Las Positas College
- Lisser Hall, Mills College
- Locatelli Center at Santa Clara University
- Lorry Lokey (SIM1) Building
- Los Medanos College Recital Hall
- Lucas Hall Room 126, Santa Clara University
- Margaret Jacks Hall, Stanford University
- Mayer Theater, Santa Clara University
- McCaw Hall, Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center, Stanford University
- Menlo College/Russell Center
- Merritt College
- Merritt College
- Merritt College (R-Building, Newton-Seale Conference Room)
- Merritt College - Temple Sinai Village
- Merritt College Africana Community Research Center
- Merritt College Gymnasium
- Merritt College Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale Student Lounge
- Merritt College Student Lounge
- Mills College
- Mills College Art Museum
- Mills College/ Littlefield Concert Hall
- Mills Rebel Alliance
- Mission College
- Moler Barber College Hayward
- Moler Cosmetology College
- Napa Valley College
- National University
- Newman Auditorium, Santa Rosa Junior College
- Oakland Professional Development and Conference Center (Cal. State University)
- Oakland Technical High School Auditorium
- Oakstop
- Odell Johnson Performing Arts Center at Laney College
- Ohlone College
- Olney Hall, College of Marin, Kentfield Campus
- Osher Lecture Hall at SFAI-Chestnut Street Campus
- Pacific School of Religion
- Park Day School
- Peralta Colleges: Merritt College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Berkeley City College
- Peralta Community College District
- Recital Hall, Santa Clara University
- Reed L Buffington Performing Arts Center, Chabot College
- Saint Clare Room (3rd Floor), Santa Clara University Library
- Saint Mary's College - Main Campus
- Saint Mary's College, School of Economics & Bus Administration
- San Francisco Art Institute
- San Francisco Art Institute | Fort Mason Campus
- San Francisco City College/Mission Campus
- San Jose City College Theater
- San Jose State University
- San Jose State University Concert Hall
- San Jose State University Symphony Orchestra
- San Jose State University: Student Union Building
- Santa Clara University
- Santa Clara University, Benson Parlors B&C, SCU
- Santa Rosa Junior College
- Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center
- School of Arts and Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza
- Schwab Residential Center
- Seven Hills Conference Center, SFSU
- Shone Farm
- Sibley Auditorium
- SJSU Music Concert Hall, Music Building
- SJSU Science Building SCI 164 1st Floor
- SJSU University Room, Cafeteria Building
- Skyline College
- Skyline College Theatre
- Sobrato Center for Humanities and the Arts at Bellarmine College Preparatory
- Sofia University
- Sofia University Auditorium
- Solano Community College
- Solano Community College Cafe
- Sonoma State University, Conference Room A in Administration & Finance Division, 2nd Floor, Salazar
- St. Mary's College of California, Le Fevre Theatre
- Stanford Cancer Center
- Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Stanford Graduate School of Business Knight Management Center, Room N302 Oberndorf
- Stanford Graduate School of Business, Zambrano Hall
- Stanford Law School
- Stanford Medical Library (near the Cultural Arts Hall)
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
- Stanford University
- Stanford University's Center for Compassion & Altruism Research & Education
- Stanford University, Quad Bldg 260, Pigot Hall, Room 113
- Stanford University, Tresidder Union
- Stanford University, Tressider Union Oak lounge
- Stanford University, Turing Auditorium
- Stanford University: The Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center
- Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
- Studio Theater at Lone Mountain
- Sutardja Dai Main Auditorium
- The Arts at CIIS
- The Hagerty Lounge at Saint Mary's College
- The San Mateo Small Business Development Center
- The University of San Francisco School of Law, Kendrick Hall
- Timken Lecture Hall - California College of the Arts
- Toyon Hall, Stanford University
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley - Dwinelle Hall and Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley - VLSB 2060, Moffitt 101 and 102
- UC Berkeley 100 Boalt Hall
- UC Berkeley Campus
- UC Berkeley Campus
- UC Berkeley Campus - Lawrence Hall of Science
- UC Berkeley Campus - Shared Services
- UC Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, S-480
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, Wells Fargo Room
- UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Conference Room
- UC Berkeley Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley Skydeck
- UC Berkeley, 159 Mulford
- UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School, Room 110
- UC Berkeley, Evans Hall Room 60
- UC Berkeley, MLK Student Union, 3rd Floor
- UC Berkeley, Spanish and Portuguese Library
- UC Berkeley, Valley Life Sciences Building
- UC Berkeley, Wozniak Lounge, Soda Hall
- UC San Francisco
- UC Santa Cruz
- UC-Berkeley Campus, 83 Dwinelle Hall
- UCB Music Dept, 125 Morrison Hall
- UCSF Medical Sciences Building
- UCSF Mission Bay Campus, Sandler Neurosciences Center
- University of California Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- University of California Hastings College of the Law
- University of California Santa Cruz
- University of California, Berkeley (Haas Pavilion)
- University of East-West Medicine, New Campus
- University of Phoenix - Oakland Learning Center
- University of Phoenix Livermore Campus, Room 105/106
- University of San Francisco
- University of San Francisco
- University of San Francisco - Kalmanovitz Hall
- University of San Francisco - McLaren Center
- University of San Francisco, McLaren 251
- University of San Francisco, McLaren 252
- University of San Jose
- University of the Pacific
- University Theater, CSU East Bay
- Wallenberg Hall, Stanford
- Wellness Center @ City College of San Francisco
- Wells Fargo Room, Haas School of Business
- West Valley College
- West Valley College Theatre
- West Valley College, MU 12 Auditorium
- Western Institute for Social Research
- Wharton | San Francisco
- Williman Room, Benson Center, Santa Clara University
- Writing Studio, California College of the Arts
- Wurster Hall, Room 112, UCB
Special Interest
Sports & Recreation