SF: FullCalendar at BiztechDay Sat, 10/25/08

BiztechDay is a full day of tips and advice for using social media and the web to market yourself and your business. It kicks off with Tim Ferriss, the 4-hour Work Week author, and ends with Scott Heiferman, the founder of Meetup. Just after lunch, George Wright, the VP Marketing of Blendtec, is speaking – the company that did the viral Will it Blend? videos. Lots of interesting and practical panels inbetween.

If you go, come say hi – I’ll be on the Event Marketing Panel at 3pm.

SF: FullCalendar at Expo for Independent Arts

On Saturday, September 27, come check out lots of interesting arts organizations in Mission Dolores Park, in San Francisco. This is a fantastic opportunity for all types of artists to meet organizations that want talent: publishers looking for writers, festivals looking for submissions, dance groups, craft collectives, educational groups looking for teachers.


During the two weeks leading up to the Expo, starting Wednesday, September 10, Independent Arts & Media will be presenting lots of workshops where you can learn a new craft and other artsy topics.

This is a fun day (we’ve been several years now), and if you come, stop by FullCalendar’s table to say hi!

Learning to Organize a Conference – Deborah Shadovitz interview

Deb Shadovitz organizes, among other things, MacGathering and MacDayLA, techfests focused on Mac products and technology in Southern California. She’s been doing it for quite a while, and is interviewed here by Andrew Warner, the founder of Mixergy, which hosts a variety of tech and business networking events in the LA area. Deb shares her expertise creating and running large expos and one-day conferences, including designing the content, signing up sponsors, and getting the word out (including using FullCalendar!).


Sacramento: AcademyX, new computer training facility

We occasionally hear about venues and services that might be of interest to event organizers, so we thought we’d start sharing them here. Note we don’t have personal experience with these, we’re just passing on the information.

From our inbox today:

I just wanted to drop you a message and let you know that if you have any training room rental needs in Sacramento, AcademyX has a brand new training facility available.

Our facility is equipped with multiple training rooms that can accommodate between 8 to 15 students with workstation and probably twice as many students without. Each workstation in our training room is equipped with:

– Dual monitor (one for student and one replicate’s the instructor monitor)
– High Speed Wireless Internet access
– Office 2003/2007, Adobe Creative Suite and much more
– Comfortable leather seats and spacious desks

The facility is located in Natomas close to Arco Arena and right off the freeway I-80 and Truxel Rd. Map and directions to our location can be found here:


PayPal has a new logo

PayPal has a new look today, and the PayPal button on the FullCalendar website looks a little different. It still works the same way.

As always, you do not need a PayPal account to use a credit card on FullCalendar. You’ll be taken to the PayPal site where you can enter your credit card number without creating a PayPal account.

Happy Labor Day to those in the US, and have a good weekend everyone!

Big changes to FullCalendar website! What’s new?

You can see the FullCalendar home page looks quite different. Rest assured the service itself hasn’t changed, and the pages for entering and managing your events have only changed color.

Overview of changes:

  • Home page: abbreviated event list for quicker access
  • FullCalendar news: you’re currently signed up for monthly or less frequent updates
  • New colors everywhere, tighter organization design
  • Your metro is saved, with photos!

Home page:
The main change is in the home page. Now, if you’re signed in, you can see the next few events you’ve entered, and jump right to an individual event.

FullCalendar news:
This provides an easy way to keep up with new features and geographies on FullCalendar, along with tips for making the most of the service. You can subscribe by email to a monthly digest or to each post, or use the RSS feed.

You’re currently subscribed to the monthly email digest; you can change this or unsubscribe by signing in, going to the “Your Account” section, and clicking “Change your user information”.

New colors and tighter directory design:
We hope you enjoy our brighter colors.  And you’ll notice it’s easier to check out various organizations, both from the home page and once you are into the organization directory.

Your metro is saved, with photos!
You’ll now always be in one metro or another; San Francisco if you haven’t signed in and haven’t selected somewhere else. And we’re showing photos of each metro in the upper right-hand corner, thanks to folks who have added them to Flickr with appropriate Creative Commons licenses.

That’s it for now – let us know what you think!

Welcome to FullCalendar News!

Welcome to FullCalendar News!

Here you can read about new features, enhancements and changes to the FullCalendar Event Promotion Service and Organization Directory.  We’ll also have tips on making the most of the FullCalendar service, and publicizing events in general. 

We’re using WordPress software for this section of the website, so it looks and acts like a blog. You can publicly comment on blog posts, asking questions and providing your feedback on the specific posts or the service in general.

We’d love to hear what you’d like us to cover here – don’t be a stranger!